Tag Your Picture in MP3 Songs with Mp3 Tag Tools v1.2 !  By Onhax

Mp3 Tag Tools v1.2 Onhax.net
Mp3 Tag Tools is a Free ID3 Tag Editing tool for Windows. By using this application you can tag your mp3 album arts with your own picture.
  • ID3v1.1 & ID3v2.x support
  • Tag mp3s even while playing them
  • Mass ID3 tagging
  • Custom Filename Format specification like “(<Artist>) – <Album> – <Title> – <Ignore>” using shortcuts “(*1) – *2 – *3 – *0″ or selecting checkboxes
  • Write ID3 tags from Filenames using Custom Filename Format
  • Rename Filenames From ID3 tags using Custom Filename or Directory Format
  • Remove All ID3v1.1 or ID3v2.x tags.
How to Tag Your Picture ?
1. First download MP3 Tag Tools v1.2.008 from given links and install it.
2. Run the programme.
3. Click on File Menu.

Step 1
4. Click on Open Directory in sub menu,choose your songs directory and click on Open.
step 2
5. If you want to Change Song’s Title, Artist, Album, Year then write n side text box and then click on Write Tagsbutton below.
step 3
6. Then click on Picture Tab and then click on Load Picture Button. (if  there is any picture by default then click on Remove Picture at First)
step 4
7. Select your picture from your computer and click on open.
step 5
8. Now your selected picture will shown here, Now click on Write Tags Button.
step 8

9. Done… :)
proof finish
Now your song’s Title,  Artist’s Name, Year, Album’s Name and also Picture Changed successfully.

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